Dentro de Mim

"Aqui começa o meu descampado Ou o meu jardim cultivado; Aqui começa a minha queda vertiginosa Ou a minha entrada gloriosa; Aqui, somente aqui, Começa o que jamais acabará aqui; Aqui serei muito ou serei pouco, Serei pobre ou serei louco, Serei charco, lago, rio ou mar Serei o que conquistar Aqui serei o que tu quiseres E o que eu quiser, Mas é aqui que tudo começa Aqui e nada mais do que aqui" - Vasco Gonçalves

domingo, 30 de abril de 2006

"Dear God, Please Help Me"

"I am walking through Rome
With my heart on a string
Dear God, please help me

And I am so very tired
Of doing the right thing
Dear God, please help me

There are explosive kegs
Between my legs
Dear God, please help me

Will you follow and know
Know me more than you do
Track me down
And try to win me?

Then he motions to me
With his hand on my knee
Dear God, did this kind of thing happen to you?

Now I'm spreading your legs
With mine in-between
Dear God, if I could I would help you

And now I am walking through Rome
And there is no room to move
But the heart feels free

The heart feels free
The heart feels free
But the heart... feels free

The heart feels free
The heart feels free"


Obrigada Pedro...tás cá dentro!!!!


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